Knowing The Benefits Of Ginger

Do you know that it pays to put ginger in your food? It doesn’t only add flavor to your dish. It also carries several health benefits for the body.

Here are a few good reasons why you should enjoy more ginger in your lives.


Quick introduction to ginger
Ginger comes from the family Zingiberaceae, just like the turmeric and cardamom. The Ginger family is known for its rhizomes that lie underground from which the ginger’s roots sprout. The pungent ginger that you put in your meals is therefore not the root but rather, the rhizome of a ginger plant.



benefits of ginger

Ginger may be good for hyper-acidic, such as myself. It serves as a good tea when gastrointestinal concerns arise.

Chew on ginger or make ginger tea when you experience:
• stomach pains
• intestinal gases
• heartburn
• diarrhea
• belching and bloating

Ginger also helps relieve dizziness and nausea.

Ginger supports bone health. This herb contains potent anti-inflammatory agents called gingerols that helps relieve the pains of people suffering from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Ginger is a natural pain killer, so to speak.

Another health benefit of ginger includes giving relief to stomach flu, food poisoning, colds, fever, headaches and stomach cramps.

Similar to the asparagus, ginger is said to be a sexual agent, as well

– an aphrodisiac so to speak.


Caution in taking ginger:
Ginger is always safe to take. You don’t have to worry of any effect that ginger may cause to contradict other medicines. It does not have adverse effects on other food nutrients or any particular drug. 

However, since ginger is known to increase bile production, those with gallstones are advised to consult their doctors first before using ginger as a treatment.
Now that you are more familiar with the health benefits of ginger, perhaps you may enjoy more of its flavors and aroma.

Other health articles:
- Cooking fish stew with ginger
- Best Fruits to eat for Weight Loss

Article Written By beingwell

beingwell is a blogger at

Last updated on 18-07-2016 5K 0

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