Importance Of Alkaline Foods In Our Diets

Alkaline foods or alkaline forming foods help the body to be more healthy, energetic, vibrant and well.They help the body to function properly and stay away from illnesses or stress.That is why we need to take extra effort in "alkalinizing" our bodies, so to speak.Not only do these foods help our body be more lively, they are also good in keeping the weight off.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are the acid forming foods.While we should not totally eradicate them from our diets, we should take caution in eating them.These are the sour foods like lemons and limes or caffeinated drinks like black tea or coffee, for instance.

People with hyperacidicity are also advised not to take these foods as they trigger the already highly-acidic stomach to produce more acids.Learn more about the body's pH in this article, here.

What is the importance of alkaline foods in terms of nutrition?
Our bodies need more alkaline forming foods in our diets because they are innately more alkaline rather than acidic.In the pH scale of 0-14, 0 being highly acidic and 14 highly basic or alkaline, our body needs to be at 7.35-7.45.

You know that you're body is acidic when you are stressed, low on energy, gaining unexplained weight, or when your bodily systems are not functioning as they should.These simple dragging symptoms alone are reasons enough to eat more of the alkaline forming foods in our diets.Don't you think?

List of alkaline foods:
This alkaline food list is not complete, though it is good enough to start making your daily meals richer and more healthier.

Now, perhaps you'd be more willing to eat:

-Wheat breads over white breads
-Water over softdrinks
-Green tea over black tea or coffee
-Olive oil over corn oil
-Fresh coconuts over pineapple
-Ripe banana over unripe banana
-Watermelon over cantaloupe
-Chicken over pork
-Wild salmon over canned fish
-Almonds over pistachios or peanuts
-Almond butter over peanut butter
-Fresh vegetables over canned, frozen or pickled vegetables
-Most of the root crops like carrots, red beets, potatoes are yam are alkaline forming foods

Article Written by beingwell

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